History of Tien Shan Mountains in Kyrgyzstan

The history of the Tien Shan Mountains in Kyrgyzstan is truly interesting and citizens and travelers must be aware of this when traveling. We offer information about Kyrgyzstan’s mountains and locals, who like to be in keep in touch with travel groups on tours.

To travel in Kyrgyzstan for tours, we have records. Legends linked to the mountains are more imaginative than actual stories. The traveler Pyotr Semyonov presented the first important fact of the 19th century. According to his analysis, people began to name Tienshansky.

In order to get a tour and rent a car, you are welcome to contact us. With the help of travel facts, they will provide information about history, such as the Buddhist monk Hsuan Tsang when he went out in the 7th century. He showed these high places as snow-covered places. By providing a car rent service on the tour in Kyrgyzstan, travelers will be informed of Marco Polo's identification of Kyrgyzstan in 1273.